On Mar 21, Second Harvest Asia (2HA) Chair Charles McJilton visited a newly found food bank in Hong Kong, Feeding Hong Kong. Its founder, Gabrielle Kirstein, reached out to Global Foodbanking Network (GFN) in 2010 to get support for developing food banking in Hong Kong, and the organization was incorporated in the summer of 2011.

On March 19, 2012, they made their first regular delivery to three groups. Just two days after that, Charles accompanied the organization’s driver, Vincent, to deliver food to their partner agencies.

Vincent Delivers Food to Feeding Hong Kong's Partner Agency

Vincent delivers food to Feeding Hong Kong’s partner agency.

Feeding Hong Kong's Staff Member, Vincent, Took Charles on His Delivery Route
Feeding Hong Kong’s staff member, Vincent, took Charles on his delivery route. 

2HA will be working on to create a regional food bank network in collaboration with food banks like Feeding Hong Kong in the region. 

Second Harvest Asia will develop the regional food bank network in Asia to share best practices and experiences with other food banks. We hold online meetings regularly with Asian food bank members. If you are interested in joining our regional network, please contact us at info@secondharvestasia.org.