Asian Food Bank Meeting in Hong Kong 2013!

Second Harvest Asia (2HA) held the annual regional food bank meeting on Nov. 4 and 5 in Hong Kong. This time we had 15 food bankers from nine countries (Singapore, Malaysia, India, Hong Kong, Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and the … Continued

Second Harvest Asia(2HA)는 한국사회복지협의회(SSN) 설립 60년을 축하하기 위하여 2012년 9월 7일, 한국을 방문했습니다

For an English translation, please click here. 한국사회복지협의회는 한국전쟁 고아들을 지원하기 위하여 1952년에 설립되어, 발족 이래 독립성을 유지하면서도 정부의 정책 밑에서 그 역할을 해 왔습니다.  그리고오랜 세월을 거쳐 부과 된 역할을 수행하기 위해 재정지원뿐만 아니라 다양한 법률이 체계화되어 왔습니다. 이번회의에는 … Continued

Asia’s First Regional Food Bank Forum on Oct 16 in Hong Kong

For registration, please email Co-organised by Second Harvest Asia and the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, this public forum will discuss how the how food banking addresses hunger, the challenges of providing humanitarian assistance, and how corruption can … Continued

Food Bank Work Shop in Hong Kong on Oct 15

We are hosting a workshop for food banks in the region to meet, share best practices and talk about future cooperation in the region. We are excited about this opportunity to have food bank representatives from Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, … Continued

Efforts to Reduce Food Waste in the World

On June 2, NHK (Japan’s national public TV channel) aired a program about Second Harvest Japan’s efforts to salvage edible food that would otherwise go to waste. While Japan’s food self-sufficiency rate is only 39 percent, more than 30 percent … Continued

2HA Visits People’s Food Bank in Hong Kong!

On March 21, 2012, 2HA Chair Charles McJilton visited St. James Settlement’s People’s Food Bank in Hong Kong. People’s Food Bank has been serving the people in need in Hong Kong since 1997.Here is the report from Charles.People’s Food Bank … Continued

2HA Chair Charles McJilton Visited Feeding Hong Kong

On Mar 21, Second Harvest Asia (2HA) Chair Charles McJilton visited a newly found food bank in Hong Kong, Feeding Hong Kong. Its founder, Gabrielle Kirstein, reached out to Global Foodbanking Network (GFN) in 2010 to get support for developing … Continued